Thursday, May 13, 2010

How do we find the CD case in the Nintendo DS Hannah Montana game?

My daughter is playing this and can't find the CD case. We know we're supposed to use the magno-glass, but from what I can tell it doesn't do anything other than look at what you can already see without it, so we must be doing something wrong with it... And from other Yahoo Answers I see we're supposed to find Oliver first, but he isn't at school in the AV room or on the bench near the school doors, OR in the mall at the back of the music store--in fact we can't find him anywhere. Help--we're already completely stuck and we're only in level one...How do we find the CD case in the Nintendo DS Hannah Montana game?
Look on or another gaming website. It will probably tell you on one of those.How do we find the CD case in the Nintendo DS Hannah Montana game?
hannah montana looks like a clown....
  • popping blackheads
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